Saturday, July 19, 2008

Three weeks till the big day!

Time ticks VERY quickly!! I have made so many wonderful friends through my contact as a photographer; me being 'me' helps, and being by and large a wedding photographer has that effect too. I've been involved with one of the biggest days is so many couples' lives; its an honour and pleasure, and I'm lucky as its what I love to do!

Now only three weeks away, Shereena and my own big day is set to occur! Its come around scary fast, and I'm super excited about it! The Chinese heard about it also I've heard, and they seem to be throwing a party on Beijing on the same day- so nice of them!

I'll try to keep the blog updated as much as possible/ ie more than I have in the last little while. Our business is growing, and I'm adjusting to that growth- one of the things on hold right now is my new - site going live. I am testing it - some of my clients have even seen it, however my client work is my priority, then my wedding, then the rest. So I'm excited about it, but have to pause till I can dedicate the time needed to have my site ready 'ready'....

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